About Us

NAGIRA is a consultancy company founded and registered in Kenya. As a consultancy company, NAGIRA specializes in Monitoring and Evaluation of projects, programs and policies and training and capacity building in Natural Resource management and Disaster Risk reduction.

NAGIRA has solid highly qualified technical team with vast experiences in undertaking scientifically rigorous surveys, including advancing technical knowledge in survey methodology (e.g., cognitive testing of survey questions, translation of surveys into multiple languages, and sampling, imputation, and weighting).

NAGIRA has a reputation for conducting high quality training in natural resource management, community disaster risk reduction and participatory monitoring and evaluation.

Our teams of consultants have skills and experience in undertaking the following;

  • Rigorous Evaluations – our statisticians and researchers are skilled and experienced in underrating formative and summative evaluation using a wide range of methodologies and designs including randomized experiments and quasi-experimental designs.
  • Capacity Building/ Training – Our consultants have the requisite expertise and experience in training and capacity building of organizations staff and community groups on Natural Resource Management and Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction